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El-Bedrü't-Tali' Şerh Cemu'l-Cemavî - البدر الطالع شرح جمع الجوامع
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El-Bedrü't-Tali' Şerh Cemu'l-Cemavî - البدر الطالع شرح جمع الجوامع

2.347,20 TL
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Celâleddin Muhammed b. Ahmed b. Muhammed Eş-Şâfi'i El-Mahalli - جلال الدين محمد بن أحمد بن محمد المحلي
2.347,20 TL + VAT
1.081,12 TL (% 2,00 remittance discount)
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Product Description

Book Subject: FIQH USULU - أصول الفقه

Author Name: Celâleddin Muhammed b. Ahmed b. Muhammad Ash-Shafi'i Al-Mahalli

Investigation: Abdülmelik b. Abdurrahman al-Sa'di al-Iraqi

Publication City: Istanbul - إسطنبول

Page Type: şamua - ورق شاموا

Number of Volumes: 3

Number of Pages: 1566

Year of Printing: 2023

Book Size: 17.00x24.00 cm

Book Weight: 1743 Gr
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El-Bedrü't-Tali' Şerh Cemu'l-Cemavî - البدر الطالع شرح جمع الجوامع


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